Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hello, my name is Cristy and I'm an addict

I've been visiting Pinterest for a few months now and I just can't seem to stop. It's so addictive and I know lots of people pin stuff and never get around to trying things out, BUT NOT ME! I can't wait to try out the newest thing I've seen and the only reason I don't do more is because there's just not enough toddler free hours in the day, lol.

I've been working on a few crafty things lately that I can't post yet because they are birthday or Christmas gifts but I'll post as soon as I can to prove I really am crafting :)

Ok, so back to Juliet. There was a post on Pinterest saying of you mixed shaving cream with Elmer's white glue that it made this awesome white fluffy paint that dried. Um, yeah! So Juliet and I pulled out some construction paper, some materials and got to work making our shaving cream snow man.

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