Sunday, December 2, 2012

Welcome Back!

It's been more than a few days since we've posted. Allen came down with the flu and a massive cold followed by Juliet getting a little flu and cold followed by me getting a sinus infection. It was like the perfect storm of colds and brought us all down hard.

But we went to the Dr., got some meds and got what rest we could with a 3 year old in the house and today while not 100%, we are all feeling much better.

Here is a shot of Athena and Kisa both on my lap. This is the first time they've dared lay down next to each other. It's nice to see them becoming friends....or at least not trying to kill each other.

The second picture is Juliet playing dress up this morning. She hasn't worn a princess dress, tutu or any other frilly thing for days, so she must be feeling better :)

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