Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dog Day Afternoon

Our poor Sadie is getting old. Her hips and joints are tired and she lays down on any type of cushion or warm spot she can find.

Allen asked if I would make her a bed and though I had never done anything like that, I agreed.

I had the top fabric already from a project that never happened. On Black Friday I purchased some matching blue faux sued for the bottom and we had a bunch of old sleeping bags to use as stuffing. The biggest issue here was the zipper. I won't go into all the MANY MANY issues i had but working with that much fabric, and such heavy fabric was probably NOT the best first zipper project. But I dove in and was determined to make it work.

It took from the start of naptime till dinnertime but I finally did it, and Sadie is really enjoying her new bed.

Merry Christmas Sadie!

1 comment:

  1. Cristy I would say I am amazed and suprised at your accomplishment but no way sweet girl. YOU ROCK as always!!!!!!!!!!
